From afar, these pots appear to be merely a row of pinch pots lined up along a wall. As the viewer gets closer, they realize the pots have a secret message built into their lips. In order to read, the viewer has to hover over the shelf, closer than is comfortable in a gallery setting. They are invited to lean into this piece, and the piece directs them to walk along the wall, from left to right. Slowly, a message unfurls and the viewer is rewarded for their engagement and attention to the piece. 

Flirting? I Hardly Know Her! 
soda-fired porcelain
60 pinch pots


(hover below to read the message, click text for video walk-through)


“hellooo lovey what have you been up to ive been thinking about you <3” 


These letters are playful to look at and playful to learn from. I’m curious about how they can be played with, touched, and engaged with. The series below is soda-fired earthenware, the pots are arranged on a table so the viewer can shuffle and re-arrange the letters to create their own message.